Ethics and Federation


Code of Ethics training SOUFFLE D'INDE


The practitioner practices Bodily Wellness is committed to respecting the rules of confidentiality, integrity, values and beliefs, and freedom of the person received..

The practitioner must consider the limits of his abilities, knowledge and means available to itIt should not undertake the services for which it is not sufficiently prepared or trained.

If the practitioner assesses that the client needs it, he should direct it to a suitable therapist

The practitioner must respect the right to privacy and modesty of the client, both in his practice that when undressing and dressing.It should fit the needs of the customer modest and respect his right to keep the clothes that he wants in the delivery.

The practitioner must refrain from making diagnoses of medical and / or criticize the views and advice of health professionals.

The practitioner agrees to submit only the headers and the actual skills they possess.

The practitioner did not refuse to provide benefits to a person for reasons of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, religion..

The practitioner shall refrain from any practices or sexual relations with the user.

The practitioner should not be immodest and he must appear properly dressed in the performance of his work, regardless of where they practice.

The practitioner agrees not to solicit, promote or use substances or drugs of any kind whatsoever, at any time, as a complement to his practice..

The practitioner undertakes not to create a climate of emotional dependence, not to take his client on the way to its eventual membership.

For sessions with a minor, the presence of a parent is essential.


French Federation of Massage-Wellness

4 Place Louis Armand – Tour de l’Horloge
75603 PARIS cedex 12
Tél. : 01 72 76 26 56 / Fax : 01 72 76 25 99
Email : Site :

Last edited: 2023-05-29